As of January 1st 2024, our statutory rates have been increased by 0.5288% in accordance with art. 14 paragraph 1 Btag. Below you can see the effect of this on our most common official acts.

Btag rates dated 01-01-2024

Official act Btag art. no. Btag rate
Summons 2a 112,37
Service of a title 2b 122,34
Seizure of movable property 2e 147,54
Seizure of periodic payments (garnishment of wages) 2j 165,48
Seizure of non-periodic payments (bank seizure) 2i 233,28
Seizure to recover alimony 2k 142,93
Seizure of real estate 2o 202,50
Seizure of a safe deposit box 2f 196,47
Seizure of rights 2g 289,37
Seizure of registered shares 2h 318,87
Seizure under the creditor himself 2l 195,40
Seizure to hand over movable property 2n 146,45
Judicial deposit 2r 300,91
Seizure of ships 2q 444,10
Seizure of aircraft (not Dutch) 2q 444,10
Execution delivery of movable property 2m 338,55
Overservice of an seizure 2d 80,64
Notice of takeover execution of real estate 2u 103,58
Posting a sale 2s 109,89
Official report of a forced sale 2t 384,40
Evacuation of real estate 2v 288,68
Notice of bankruptcy/Service of petition 2c 89,33
Hostage 2w 335,29
Cancellation statement of seizure of real estate / ship 2p 73,46
Service of summons third 2d 80,64
Service extension term 2c 89,33
Divorce petition 2c 89,33
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